Drawing > Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers

These Moroccan Slippers are a kind of a self-portrait.
In 2022 I visited the Moroccan desert. I was born in Egypt. Maybe that’s why I love deserts and most things Middle Eastern. Later in 2022 I was in Nantucket for my art residency. I love islands and crashing waves. Being in that atmosphere my mind was free to wander beyond thumbnails in my sketchbook. When I saw two loops, simple curved lines, meeting, they instantaneously became slippers, Moroccan Slippers. Rustic, colorful, friendly, volumes made with sensitive, quivering colored pencil lines.

Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.1
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.2
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.3
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.4
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.5
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.6
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.7
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches