Drawing > Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers

Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers is not about representation but transformation. I begin with two simple lines—loops—that unexpectedly take on the form of slippers. Without intention, they evoke the essence of Morocco and the Middle East. This is the power of simplicity: a minimal gesture can carry deep cultural resonance. My work explores how abstract forms shift meaning, proving that even the most basic shapes can transcend expectation.

Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.1
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.2
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.3
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.4
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.5
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.6
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches
Two Loops Meet and Become Moroccan Slippers No.7
Colored pencil and graphite on paper
11 X 21 inches